Building confidence

Where does confidence come from? Are some people just born with confidence and others not?

Confidence begins to form in infants. Soon after birth, infants start to learn, through circumstantial experience and treatment from others, and by interacting with the world.

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How do you discipline your children? Do your children learn from your discipline, or do they carry on with the same misbehaviour?

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Handling The Teenage Years

Does your teenager talk to you? Would you like them to talk more AND hear you more? Do you bump heads with your teenager? What is behind your teenager’s emotions, and how can you handle them?

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Communication During Divorce

Ever wonder what to tell children when you are getting divorced? Are your children getting stuck in the middle of your divorce? How do you handle and satisfy your own emotions without affecting your children?

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Handling conflict

Do you avoid conflict? Does conflict mean there is something wrong? What if you become a master at handling conflict?

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Developing your Child’s Emotional Intelligence

How do we know what our child’s true potential is? How do we influence them to become all they are meant to be?

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Understanding Bullying

Does your child get bullied? Do they come home in tears? Do you sometimes feel helpless about what to do about it?

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Education from a Different Perspective

Everything you need to know as an educator about developing confident, self-motivated children.

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